This website is operated by FlixU movies, part of Flixu Music LTD, a movies company that has been around the Digital movie and music business for almost 20 years.
We have lots of experience. We decided as a movie company to offer this site to movie buffs. We are not operated by tech guys,
We are operated by movie people of the first degree. The first condition of people to work with us is that they truly love movies.
The movies on our site are curated. If you would like to sell your movie or clips on our site then you need to talk to us first.
Just submit the movie or clip and then we will upload it for you
We have to make sure the movie is of proper nature and allowed.
We are limiting the movies on this site to good quality movies.
Later on we will classify the movies by the type of movies so it will be easier to find what you like. We will advertise the site to the right people so that people who really love movies and want to be involved will come in and check it out.